Apparently this is a craze amongst bloggers where you select 3 people who pick out 10 things they like doing. Thanks to Shasha for nominating me. Scroll down to the bottom to see whether I have picked you…
Believe it or not I found choosing 10 things I enjoy a challenge at the moment as there were things that I really used to enjoy but I cannot include them in my top 10 because they no longer apply. The most enjoyment I ever had was being Daniel’s Mum. This exercise is good as it reminds me of things I haven’t done in a long time and hope that I can in the future. They are in no particular order just as they come into my jumbled brain…. I like:
Travelling, exploring new places, seeing the sights and experiencing different cultures. France is a particular favourite. In my dreams I would relocate and be a writer there. Picture the scene, crazy old English woman surrounded by cats with an endless supply of red wine on tap!
Writing, I find it relaxing and sometimes gives me a different way of looking at things. I enjoy the freedom of expressing things in black and white and it can be a good way of releasing feelings that need to bubble to the surface. I have sent an enrolment course off to a local college for 2 writing courses so I really hope that I can pick up a few tips and broaden my horizons.
Meeting new people, I love meeting new people and finding out about them. We are all so very unique and it is so interesting to hear about how other people do things. As a Christian, there is an added dimension for me, to understand either how God works in their life or needs to. Through the church you are united with many people who you might not otherwise have come into contact with.
Shopping, my all time record is to spend 5 hours in one shop (Dickins and Jones). That did included lunch… My absolute idea of heaven would be lined with avenues of shoe shops and I could acquire stylish new footwear in each one.
Catching up with good friends, at home my phone is often welded to my ear as I love a good chat putting the world to rights. Texting, emailing and blogging all are great ways of finding out what’s going on so it can be a bit addictive.
Reading, mainly whodunnits and thrillers. If I don’t want to have a plot to concentrate on a bit of chicklit does the trick.
Gardening, this gives the opportunity for creativity. I get really excited if my plants come back the following year. A garden can be a real area of retreat and solitude. I am definitely out of practice.
Church, yes more often or not I do. It is awesome to be in God’s presence and worship him. Our church is vibrant where God is very much alive and it is wonderful to be a part of that. The sermons are challenging and practical, the music uplifting with lyrics prompting you to examine your faith and you have the opportunity to catch up with good friends as - well as meet new people.
Eating out, this is a great time of year for eating out, lazy pub lunches, barbecues, picnics; wonderful.
Sleep, I have been described as a little dormouse who just curls up and goes to sleep whenever the feeling takes me. I could turn this into an olympic sport.
Well that’s the end of me. I have chosen to tag:
1. Phil Loose
http://www.looseworld.blogspot.com2.Pat Kennett -
http://www.kennettworld.blogspot.com3. Penster -