
"Laughter is the brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of the heart" - Mort Walker

Monday, April 23, 2007

Maternity Leave - day 10

Well, it's going very, very quickly. So far I have been to St John's hospital 4 times (twice more this week) and am scrambling around to get everything ready for when Beanie arrives. In between times I have met up with a number of friends, tried to tidy and clean the house as well as rest up. It's odd to think that I've got only 2 weeks to go now.

The gestational diabetes looks like it is settling down but every so often throws a bit of a curved ball. It looks like I won't be needing insulin which is a real blessing but being on a diet, I do feel that I'm missing out...

I am not sleeping at the moment so, this means that most days I am washed out and just moving from A - B takes a lot of effort. That said, I try to do some exercise most days. However, I don't think that I will be able to continue with my ante-natal exercises after this weekend as it is getting just that bit too difficult now... Today I went to St Johns for relaxation classes to help you during the latter stages of pregnancy and during labour. We had to go round and introduce ourselves saying whether this was our first pregnancy. I decided to fast forward this bit for obvious reasons.

On Wednesday, I go to see the Consultant to discuss whether the plan is still to bring my due date forward by 2 weeks. If so, I think I'll be given a date!! When I last spoke to him the plan was to be induced and I would prefer that to a C Section. Will let you know how I get on.


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