The year ahead...
Happy New Year to everyone!
This year starts on an exciting note as we are thrilled that Beanie seems to be thriving well and I'm now 19 weeks pregnant (I look like a Christmas pudding with legs...) Kevin and I are going for our 20 week scan on Monday, 8th January. This will show if there are any likely anatomical problems and we can get to see how much s/he has grown. Trust me, a lot, as my feet are in a permanent shadow. We also get another scan photo to add to the growing collection.
One of the more difficult things to come to terms with is loss. Unfortunately, we were given the tragic news that my Sister's boyfriend had only a year to live before Christmas, the reality proved to be much shorter as Daryl passed away on 27th December (a mere 19 days after diagnosis). My niece and nephew thought of him like a Dad and my Sister is overwhelmed by the intensity of grief. At this stage, there are complications so we don't know when the funeral is likely to be and it is a very testing time. To me, Daryl was like a brother and it is hard to think that he will never get to know Beanie. Our family has a big gap in it. I have found it difficult to blog recently because I couldn't air what was happening as it was too painful and I would have been far too depressing to read...
For those of you that I see this means that I will be spending more time in Norfolk at weekends so I won't get the chance for a natter at least it will give your ears a bit of a break.
Thanks to all of you who have listened, comforted and rejoiced with us in 2006. It does make a huge difference.
mixed emotions are so hard to manage at the best of times, seems highlighted when pregnant. Am praying for you to know the Father's peace, that you will be a comfort to your sister and her family, and that you will all know God's presence at this difficult and emotional time
God bless you Sarah
Hi Sarah glad the pregnancy is thriving well,
Really sad at the moment, hope your sister will be ok, sending up prayers,
Love Helen x.
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