
"Laughter is the brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of the heart" - Mort Walker

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The Cat's out of the bag...

I would consider myself an open person but everyone has something that they don't feel ready to share with others. When I started my new job I thought that this would be a new beginning for me and in many ways it has been... Cue the BUT!! I have not made it public knowledge about Daniel, in fact the only two people I have told I work directly with and you may recall that the topic came up at interview (it wasn't me either!!) So I felt that I needed things to be put into perspective but really didn't want to dwell on it. It's not that I don't want to talk about Daniel, it's just that for me to cope with life without him I have to live it as if he isn't here. I get enormous comfort about sharing my memories with people who knew him or those I choose to reveal him to. Unfortunately, someone I know told someone at work about Daniel and I feel wounded by that. The person concerned was not malicious but probably hadn't considered things from my perspective. It's not that I feel angry or betrayed just vulnerable. People never look at me in the same way again... Ordinarily, when people find out about my circumstances they normally want to make everything alright (normally for themselves) or alternatively they give me advice on how to manage the situation (without having gone through it themselves). I find this tough so I don't volunteer information because it only opens up the wounds and catches me off guard.

I know that I talk about Daniel on my blog but that's slightly different as the likelihood of anyone reading it who works with me is remote.

Talking about revealing things, I was bemused to read in one of my professional journals today how blogging needs to be included in Company policy. Companies are encouraged to include blogging in the IT and email policies as indiscreet revelations can be seen as misconduct and could be gross misconduct (depends on what was said... ) Some of you may have caught the site"La petite Anglaise" where the writer was fired as her employers felt that she had described staff and situations which could be identified and which weren't appropriate. With a background in Personnel I am silent on work issues as things on the blog are then in the public domain. As the writer is taking her employers to a tribunal, it will be interesting to see how this situation develops.

Oh, and I went to the Waterfront (a swanky restaurant)this evening for an awards evening and the dress stayed the course!!


At 4:48 AM GMT, Blogger Cass said...

Hey Sarah,

I'm not sure if I ever got by here or not but I was going through my website and FINALLY found your comment. (if I've been by here before, then I found it again) I'm sorry that I've been so evasive and havent been by til now, I've been so bad at updating my blog, and at all that lately. I love your blog though! And I'll definitely be praying for ya (just because)
see ya around I hope

At 6:46 PM GMT, Blogger Nicole's Psalm said...

Keep pressing on at work Sarah God is in it. Nicole


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