
"Laughter is the brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of the heart" - Mort Walker

Monday, June 12, 2006

Rudolph, a bird and lame excuses...

Well, time has really evaporated since I last blogged. I am full of a cold today - hence Rudloph. I was optimistic that it was hay fever and went to buy a 15 minute cure, the woman behind the counter laughed when I asked for it, but 13 hours later there has been no respite. Feeling that I couldn't really do much I was a bit bemused when Kevin said to me earlier about there being something in the conservatory. It was a rather unhappy trapped bird and I have no idea how long it had been trying to make its exit. So Kevin had to coax it to go outside without it leaving its mark everywhere... Apparently it took more than one attemp to release it back into the wild. Once Kevin had managed this, the stupid bird flew back into the conservatory again - honestly. I thought goldfish have small brains.

I haven't really been around as such as I have been trying to reinstate my professional qualifications. I know I like writing but I have found it really hard as I've had to try and prove that I've got what it takes to be a professional personnel person. I have had to draw upon any recent experiences as part of a personal development plan. The great thing is that my employers have made some contribution to this so now I just wait and see whether I developed in my time out. Given the works of fiction that I have carefully crafted professionally, I have had no inclination to write blog.

Good luck to all the "Race for Life" girls. Sorry that I'm not really around to cheer you on.


At 8:21 AM GMT, Blogger Helen said...

sorry to hear about your cold, there are so many of these awful summer colds about, hope you feel better.
Hope work is still going well and see you soon, Helen x.

At 10:52 AM GMT, Blogger Zanne said...

what a daft bird! bit like me really, i like staying where i am, minimal changes, less stress... even if it's the wrong place? that's the crunch question. when God gives us space to spread our wings, that is what we have to do. To explore His plans, His work, in the home wherever.
Spreading your wings is a challenge but if we don't we will never realis our potential
Have a GREAT time at work developing your skills
you are in my prayers.


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