
"Laughter is the brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of the heart" - Mort Walker

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Count your blessings...

Yesterday I went to St John's again. I absolutely loathe the place as there are far too many memories, some of the staff used to think that I worked there... The icing on the cake was when I saw a little boy who used to be in one of Daniel's little classes and that was very hard to stomach.

Later on I had a chat with a friend and after we had finished chatting (admittedly it was quite some time later...) I began to think about God answering prayer. In the space of less than 5 minutes I could recall how God has answered prayer since the beginning of the year and in no particular order: my new job, Helen's new job, Penster's new job, a friend's flat, babies being born, healing, seemingly impossible fractured relations restored... I began to think of all the times that I had prayed about something or for someone and how often God listens and always answers. I feel really encouraged. As bloggers we have encouraged one another by reaching out and sharing a part of ourselves with others, praying, celebrating and supporting one another. At the evening service on Sunday, our Pastor was talking about snails (amongst other things!) He was making the point that do snails know the trail that they leave behind them? We may not see the trail that we leave behind but others do and it can make a huge difference. I do feel blessed to be part of such a community and to those who send their comments.


At 9:14 AM GMT, Blogger Tracie said...

Hi Sarah,
reading that is so encouraging - sometimes it's difficult remembering that everything is in God's timing and not in ours, and just being reminded of all those peoples blessings that were answer to prayers that we all prayed is so good to be reminded of.

sometimes life for me is like being on a bus with a mad driver and l keep pressing the bell and shouting "stop l want to get off" and not only does the bell not work but l think l'm on the wrong bus !! There's a saying "it's better to travel than to arrive" but as a christian travelling down the road of life, ultimately what a destination we'll have when we arrive at the feet of Jesus, l get so hung up sometimes on the journey that l forget it's all been mapped out for me.
oooooohh that was a bit of a soapbox moment - but in all seriousness l too find it lovely reading all the comments to the blogs and seeing God move in situations.

At 1:43 PM GMT, Blogger Helen said...

Absoloutely Sarah, I agree that it is so encouraging to be part of the blogging gang, to see answers to prayer and know support from people that care (oh that rhymes!)

Sometimes we see prayer answered and have forgotton that we even asked for it!

Take care matey, see you soon!


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