
"Laughter is the brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of the heart" - Mort Walker

Monday, October 23, 2006

Bible Cafe and other stuff

Since I have been back from holiday all my days seem to roll into one :-( and I am doing a great headless chicken impersonation. Kevin's Mum has had hip surgery and is doing well having just been discharged from hospital and staying with her Daughter. At 87 she is likely to pick up a speeding ticket using her sticks. It is amazing and awesome to see just how well she has recovered.

I have been to Bible Cafe twice now and I can honestly say that they have been interesting and thought provoking evenings. Pat's session last week, apart from showing us her varied shoe collection (loved the bling ones especially!!) has had me thinking ever since... We all carried out a ministry questionnaire with 133 questions (I found it easier to do the what flower are you?) Since losing Daniel sometimes it's hard to know where or how to serve so I found it really challenging. We also had some interesting debates on our table. One of which was about how people with Downs Syndrome can still serve God within their own limitations. I didn't start that one either but totally endorse it!! I forget that many people no longer associate me with having a special interest in these matters and sometimes it comes as a shock.

On a separate note, I have some difficult decisions to make in the next few weeks but cannot comment on them at this time. Your prayers would be valued. I also have some health issues which stopped me coming to church this week and I feel deprived. Still, going on Wednesday to Bible Cafe all being well.

Have a good week.


At 4:36 PM GMT, Blogger PatK said...

Glad that last week's Bible Cafe provoked discussion - looking forward to how this week will unfold!

Praise God, a number of folk have already approached me with questions that the discussions raised, and I hope to provoke even more this week! Seriously, though, it's great to be part of this time in God.

Praying that God will give you understanding, wisdom and discernment re; your decisions in the next few weeks. He has a vested interest in showing you His will for your life as clearly as possible

See you on Wednesday

Love & hugs

At 8:19 PM GMT, Blogger Helen said...

Hope you are ok Sarah I'm glad you are enjoying the bible cafe, sounds like lots to thnk about at the moment, I pray you will know a peace in these difficult decisions you have to make,

see ya soon!

At 10:29 AM GMT, Blogger rhi said...

Hi Gorgeous
Will send up a few extra prayers for you this week - don't know the particulars but - hey God knows everything and will be able to translate blonde prayers into good working sense.
Lots of love

At 9:13 PM GMT, Blogger Tracie said...

hi sarah - thinking of you at this time - God Bless from tracie


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