
"Laughter is the brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of the heart" - Mort Walker

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Maternity leave - day one!

I am overjoyed that I am at last on maternity leave. When I said goodbye to my colleagues at work last Thursday, I just felt a huge weight drop off me as now I can concentrate on Beanie. I can also have a sneaky cat nap in the afternoons...

I took delivery of the nursery furniture today which meant an early start (the delivery could have come as early as 7 am...) so no chance of a lie in!! The delivery didn't come until after 11 after which time I was desperate to get out and enjoy the sunshine. Apart from a brief detour to Asda I met up with a friend and we enjoyed tea in the afternoon at Hylands park. Very civilised and relaxing.

I am pleased to say that my blood sugar levels seem to be more in control within the range (apart from today when I had a toasted teacake!!) Things look like they could be settling down and I shall be going to the diabetic clinic on Friday. Tomorrow, I'm having a scan to see how Beanie is getting on as well as having a Consultant and then midwife's appointment. Unfortunately, all these appointments remind me of how life was with Daniel. As the birth gets closer I seem to miss him more so the preparations for Beanie's birth are a little complex you could say.

I am still going to my heffalumps club (exercise for both ante and post natal) on a weekly basis and have started to make new friends. At the moment, I am the heaviest so I hide (!) at the back but really enjoy the opportunity to exercise with others in a light hearted environment.

Thank you for your prayers they have been much valued and appreciated. I'll post more about Beanie when I'm a bit clearer about what is likely to happen.


At 5:42 AM GMT, Blogger Helen said...

So glad the diabetes seems to have settled a bit and now you can enjoy a much needed rest,

How very exciting!!

Not long now!

See ya soon!


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