I'm losing it!!
It's official, I am losing my ability to remember things... I have got into a bit of a muddle with dates and today is NOT the day for my 20 week scan :-( fortunately, just before dashing off to St John's at 8 this morning I thought I'd just double check. The actual appointment was supposed to be going on 18th January but Kevin couldn't make it so now it's 3 pm on 5th February. Come hell or high water, we'll be there. To say that I'm disappointed is an understatement but it just goes to show that pregnancy does make your mind go to mush (funnily enough I can't remember that happening with Daniel, that came later!) Still, at least I'll be 24 weeks so Beanie will be that much bigger. I have put on 2 lbs in weight since the beginning of my pregnancy, which can't be bad (the fact that I'm at least 3 stone overweight before being pregnant is neither here nor there...)
Additionally, I am charging(?!!) off to Scotland tomorrow for a meeting on Wednesday so my brain really doesn't know where it belongs. It's not clear at this stage whether the funeral will take place on Friday or be postponed until next week and if so I'll be heading East. Too much is happening for my tired little head to take it all in...
On Saturday, Kevin and I went buggy hunting as we were allegedly near a store with plenty of choice and keenly priced. When it was slashing down with rain we were driving round in ever decreasing mud logged circles and had to retire to a local pub for lunch (as you do!) Suitably refreshed we decided to have another attempt at locating this store and whilst we were successful (it had only taken 3 hours - including lunch and 2 phone calls!!) it didn't have what we were looking for after that. The moral of the story is to take Tim (my satnav companion) with me wherever we go... If only I could get satnav for my intelligence - you are here and need to turn here so that you can reach your destination.
A braver woman than I would query whether you originally did have the ability to remember things :)
At least you have an excuse - that is me so much of the time and I'm not pregnant - though quite possible the 3 stone (or more) overweight.
Hope everything going as well as possible - sorry to hear of the sad news recently for you - will send up a few prayers for you.
Take care - give Beanie a pink Hug from me
Hope all goes well today, looking forward to piccie of beanie
I have it on good authority that the brain does shrink during pregnancy!!! It does recover itself afterwards, but the person passing on this information was not sure of the timescale!!! A friend of mine (her kids are 20+) said she is still waiting for hers to recover!!!
Moral of this comment
Thinking of you on you sad trip to Scotland.
Hope to see you at church on the 19th in the evening, am having a uk trip with the girls again...Run out of tea bags this time!
maybe time for a coffee?
Hi Sarah! hope you are well, catch up with you soon!
I constantly lose the plot but amazingly we all get through, everyone is fed and watered, it all comes together!!
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