
"Laughter is the brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of the heart" - Mort Walker

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Bags of personality...

Well, it's been 10 days since I last blogged and I had really hoped that by now I could proudly announce details of Beanie's birth. Beanie on the other hand has other ideas... Despite going into St John's last week to be induced nothing happened!! Well, not quite nothing, I was prodded and poked and one day went from the Ante-natal unit to Labour Ward to the Post Labour Ward all without giving birth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can see the funny side but it is an experience that I wouldn't choose to repeat again as you don't get any sleep and very little food in hospital. The bad news is that I am going to have to do it all over again next week. I shall be readmitted on Monday, 21st May to go through the entire process again. Whilst this hardly fills me with joy I know that God's timing is perfect and that has helped me deal with these hellish few days. My last night at the hospital I was surrounded by women who had all given birth. One of these only just made it to the labour ward in time, I thought I was going to have a ringside seat.

The most positive news is that both Beanie and I are fine. Beanie is approximately 8 lb 3 ozs this week so at least I know that I am not going to have the biggest baby in the world...

I am too big to drive so I shall be resting at home or walking/waddling around Great Baddow when the sun comes out. I do feel happier that I have a brief reprieve but really would hope that Beanie would be enticed to come out to play of his/her own accord. I am going to be eating curries, walking for Britain, eating copious amounts of fruit and any other good old wives' tales which encourage labour. Yes, I am really getting that desperate...

No matter what the sex of this baby is, s/he will be called Mary (Mary quite contrary).

Please pray that I have this baby soon because if induction fails I will then have to have a C-Section with all the health and practical implications that this entails.

Not long now.


At 8:13 AM GMT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really sorry that Beanie hasn't made an appearance yet. 40 hours before Josh was born I had a scan and he was apparently 8lb 4oz and by the time he arrived he was 9lb 11oz so just be warned that the scans only give estimates! I probably shouldn't have told you that!
Praying for you, Kevin and Beanie

At 2:15 PM GMT, Blogger Tracie said...

hi sarah,
won't be long now - beanie is obviously letting you know who's in charge from the off..... LOL

Just to reassure you my biggest baby 8lb claire was the easiest birth and Laura 7lb8oz was the most painful but quickest and Luke 7lbl3oz was the longest wait ever; so don't be alarmed by the estimated birth weight could be worse could be 8 stone beanie LOL

on a more serious note - everyone is praying for you Sarah and its prayer that makes all the difference so keep your chin up beanie is obviously too comfortable where he/she is.....

They gave me jugs of iced water at st.johns to get Claire to get a move on; my contractions slowed up to non-existant it did work she thought bit chilly in here today LOL

God Bless you Sarah from Tracie


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