Since I have been back two seems to be a significant number.
One of the first things that I do upon dumping my suitcases in the hall is to pick up the mail whilst having a huge mug of tea. Sometimes I even sit down when reading it... Anyway, having sorted the post I am down to two letters, one from Chelmsford Borough Council and I eagerly rip open the envelope only to be told ...."you were unsuccessful..." My holiday mood evaporated and I'd only been home less than 15 minutes!! Feeling stung that I'd failed at the interview :-((((( I then opened the other letter. It was a letter from Elim telling me that I have been accepted as a Member of the Church - yay!! So from rejection to acceptance in less than 5 minutes... I am thrilled and thinking about it (as I do sometimes!) I would have hated to have my membership of Church declined. So, it's the right way around. It also reminded me that whilst I may feel rejected by others God never does which always puts a smile on my face.
A tale of two watches... I bought a rather posy looking watch in France as a Happy Birthday present to me. Can you imagine my disbelief when yesterday when I wanted to wear it to my interview it had stopped working completely!! I only bought it on Saturday (aagh!!) Unfortunately, it is not available in the UK. Anyway, my other boring watch, the one I use all the time I kind of misplaced (those of you who know and love me will understand how often this happens) I went round to a friend's with a naked arm, my virtual watch being the suntan(!) around where the strap normally is. I began to panic thinking I'd lost it. Well, after a search I found it, now it's just my brain that's missing...
And finally, I was asked yesterday in the middle of another job interview, "So you have a 2 year old then?" Pity my poor interviewer, she had no idea of what was going to come next. I felt that I had to correct that because if I didn't I would spend the rest of the interview "internalising" my grief. I didn't cry but this in itself was a struggle and then I moved on in the interview much to my interviewer's relief. Despite this I thought the interview went well with me being almost me again!?? Anyway, I'll hear whether I go for a second interview next week.
Continuing with the 2 theme, I have two temporary assignments just unfortunately at the same time!!
A lots happened since we got back on Sunday.