
"Laughter is the brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of the heart" - Mort Walker

Monday, March 20, 2006

A day in the life of ...

I haven't deliberately stopped blogging it's just that so many other things have been shouting for my attention... It might even be my brain rebelling! A very worrying thought. Anyway, I have had a busy time being full of the lurgy... So I have had to do nothing :-( and have been so full of horrible things that I couldn't even blog or eat a Cadbury's Cream Egg, you get the idea of how serious it was!! Particularly as I couldn't even face church either (that's 3 weeks I've missed and I feel like I have been away for years!!) In am now behind on my 40 Days of Community book. I had only just caught up after missing some chapters on holiday.

Today, I have felt so much better and met up with a friend for lunch. 5 hours later I thought I ought to get home to cook Kevin's tea before I go heading off out for a talk on Witchcraft. Before any wise comments it is by an Author as part of Essex Book Fair and it related to the trials in East Anglia taking place in the 17th Century. Interesting stuff.

Anyway, the very good new is that I have a second interview on Wednesday at 9 a.m. Thanks to those of you who have been praying. I really appreciate it. Apparently Wednesday's meeting is going to last about an hour and a half (can you imagine the interviewer!!) I am not nervous yet, but I'm sure that I will be first thing Wednesday.

I start a new temp assignment on Tuesday which should last for 6 days and I am thrilled as this week I am able to go to the Ladies Meeting on Thursday. I have come to really value these meetings and have met up with people I would never normally have come into contact with in the confines of the church service. Additionally, some of the sharing within the group has been so inspiring and motivational.

Must dash now, need to get ready for tomorrow.



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