
"Laughter is the brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of the heart" - Mort Walker

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

40 Days of Community

Day One

Well, I have managed to read today's chapter of the 40 Days of Community. Last year I found it really helpful to keep a journal on the 40 Days of Purpose and so as I'm a creature of habit (well, ish...) I thought I'd have another go. Those of you who know me will have cottoned onto the fact that I'm really not that disciplined even though I mean to this ensures I don't put off what I need to do.

Although this is a short blog, because I have no inspiration today at all :-( the one thing that came across to me from the chapter about love was that it is a choice and not a feeling. There are a number of relationships which I struggle with and believe me the feeling is not there at all... However, I am reminded that you can show someone love even though you may not be feeling it!!

Given the selfish nature of the grieving process it is often about how I'm feeling at a particular time in response to various triggers. I am looking forward to concentrating upon others needs which will encourage me to look out as opposed to looking inwardly.

I have a feeling that this book is really going to challenge me. I found the 40 Days of Purpose the most challenging book I have ever read excluding the Bible. Hope my brain can stand it particularly as I am really busy before I go away.

I am thrilled to say that I have another interview lined up but this will be on the 14th March which will be sufficient time to recover following the gruelling car journey back from France.


At 8:29 AM GMT, Blogger Zanne said...

Thinking of you as you prepare for the interview tomorrow.
Jos 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; be not frightened, neither be dismayed; for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."
Be blessed


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