
"Laughter is the brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of the heart" - Mort Walker

Monday, February 13, 2006

The Result

Well, today I got the phone call... I was unsuccessful following my interview on Wednesday, last week. Thanks to everyone who has prayed and supported me. Apparently the successful candidate has more recent banking experience than I do so it's now time to move on. I am thrilled that apparently I did well at all the tests and I have been told that they would be interested in pursuing my application if any vacancies come up in the future so I haven't made a complete hash of it. I was praying for the interviewers that they would pick the right person, so they have, it's just not me. That's ok.

If I am unable to get a permanent job within the next month or so (we go away to Rome and then off to France...) I shall have to go back to the temping which I detest so much but which at least means I get an income and gives me some variety. Until I find a permanent job. I hate being a stay at home, wife as I am not at all domestic and can't just seem to fix things. I am getting to be a bit of a Countdown expert though. I am scared that if I do not use my brain somehow it will seize up and I'm sure that I have experience the odd moment when this has happened...

Thinking about using my skills and talents I was reminded of the Ladies meeting at church on Thursday. Someone asked if anyone had any ideas of how to raise funds and I came up with a sponsored silence. Erm, I wasn't quite so sure of the response I got... Someone very tactfully told me that I wouldn't be using my skills and talents (oh, well)


At 7:31 AM GMT, Blogger Zanne said...

Sorry you didn't get the job, but your attitude is lovely; God doesn't put you in a place because you are the best person for the job, but because it is the best place that he can best use you, by temping he is spreading you around!!! Enjoy Rome and can practice your French in Belgium too, and teach me a bit? Bonne journée

At 9:25 AM GMT, Blogger Helen said...

I think that you have a good attitude Sarah, if that was me I would probably be stropping around the house all day!
As for sponsered silence, well thats me out, I did one at school, didn't raise much!!

Wherever God puts you it is the right place at the time, and you will be a blessing, I know it sounds feeble but it is true!
See ya soon!

At 9:57 AM GMT, Blogger Tracie said...

Well l'll try again - just wrote a comment and it hasn't arrived - l did put something about when things are meant to be they will happen but we're not very good at being patient, how ironic l also put don't worry about the old grey matter seizing up Sarah mine did years ago and it's not so bad !!


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