
"Laughter is the brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of the heart" - Mort Walker

Saturday, April 22, 2006

In the midst of chaos...

It's been a bit of a funny week really. I have been in my new job a total of 8 days and feel that I am have taken in so much information that my head will honestly burst!! I just feel over the past couple of weeks with the Bank Holiday as well, that I am always rushing around and am never still. It's also the age that we live in. Well, today I had a lovely surprise. I have found a green area (can't call it a park) but it does have a river and plenty of ducks. So lunchtime today I was watching all the ducks coming into land. It was so peaceful and I honestly felt relaxed. The birds were tweeting, and I felt a million miles away from Witham Railway station which is immediately in front of the Malting plant. I was even more surprised that when leaving the greenery area and walking up the road that I saw two bunnies hopping along without a care in the world. I really felt that they taught me a thing or two today. I sometimes think that the busyness of life can really distract us to the point that we can't focus on anything unless it's fast. It's almost like we are speedreading life and keep missing the detail out as we are just going too fast.

Later on tonight I went to the gym and spent an hour there. The guy giving me my induction kept saying how I shouldn't overdo it (as if I need telling!) So I felt really virtuous that I had done my exercise for the week except that I needed a creme egg to keep me going when I got home... Oh well.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Not a lot to say really...

This is where I work!! It is a malting plant in Witham, finding it even seemed to elude my faithful friend, Tim, my Sat Nav persona. Anyway, tomorrow, I get to have a site visit but it is something to do with barley being used in whisky and beer. You can't see the offices from this picture so I don't have to work out on site, fortunately!

I am just getting used to the work thing...Trying to get into a routine, so I know when I am coming and going.

On a separate note, I am now published!! I have completed a book review for May's edition of Woman Alive. I know it's a small step but everyone has got to start somewhere and it is an encouragement.

That's all for now...

Monday, April 10, 2006

God is good all the time...

Well, what can I say. On Friday night I had both arms up behind my back and went very grudgingly to see Daniel O'Donnell (left) at the Ipswich Regent. Kevin's Mum is an avid fan so we all spent three hours listening to him in concert, which felt longer than it took!! I found it a little emotional when he sang "Danny Boy"and "How Great Thou Art" and they were the best bits... Still, Kevin's Mum had a whale of a time which made it worthwhile. Now, I think that God has got a sense of humour. We often talk about no experience is wasted and I got a reminder of this when I went to the church open day on Saturday. I was talking to someone who came along to the church and guess where they had been the night before too!! I didn't really have anything in common with that person that I was chatting to, but finding out that we were at the same concert helped break the ice. I had to tread gently because they were a fan and I didn't want to hurt their feelings...

Today, Monday, I started my new job. I am really touched by all the prayers, cards, emails, phone calls and texts wishing me well. This is a new era for me personally so I am so thankful for everyone's love at this time. The new job is all that I expected it to be. I think that I will enjoy it there. The people are friendly and I cannot see that it is going to be in the same stress league as many of the jobs I have previously held. The previous post holder left in September and it was felt that they could do without a replacement but in the end they realised that they couldn't manage. So I am not even following anyone, so there's no pressure to live up/down to someone else's achievements. My role is Personnel Administrator (read Office Junior...) in Witham. The journey is ok (it took me 15 mins to get home!!) At a different time in my life I would have been bored by the lack of depth to the role, but right now it is perfect! I even get free gymn membership (what an answer to prayer...) I am really looking forward to working regularly at the same place. At last I feel I have a little normality.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

I've been busy...

I can't believe that nearly a week has gone by since I last blogged - no idea where that has gone. Today I have been busy doing nothing if that makes any sense. Is it me or do computers seem to sulk and have a problem co-operating with their Master? Today just trying to get some old but valuable files from our old computer using the CD rewriter took forever and I felt like I was on university challenge. My misery was compounded further when trying to update our laptop with virus protection, 3 hours and 4 attempts later I succeeded!!

Anyway, I have less than a week before I start work so I have been trying to cram in all the things that I should have done in the last however, long I have been off work... Yesterday, I went shopping in Freeport to add to my work wardrobe you understand. I was on a real role and even bought some shoes in Asda later (well, I couldn't find any in Freeport!!) When I got home I carried on shopping by catalogue... Now before any of you jump to quite reasonable ideas about an addiction, I am overjoyed that I have seen everything that I need at once without having to go shopping for ages. I'm the sort of person who either buys nothing or nearly everything.

It feels a little weird that I shall be starting work next week. I'm not worried about it but just think that I'm out of practice. Temping over the past couple of weeks part-time has helped (not least finance my shopping trip!) I shall be going to my last Ladies meeting on a Thursday which I shall miss. I am going to have to learn to be more organised too. I am glad that Easter comes after I start as I have managed to get all the bank holidays paid! The next few weeks are going to be difficult for us so it will also be good to have a distraction.

Blame the computer for my erratic thought processes, we had to battle it out for supremacy...