I can't believe that nearly a week has gone by since I last blogged - no idea where that has gone. Today I have been busy doing nothing if that makes any sense. Is it me or do computers seem to sulk and have a problem co-operating with their Master? Today just trying to get some old but valuable files from our old computer using the CD rewriter took forever and I felt like I was on university challenge. My misery was compounded further when trying to update our laptop with virus protection, 3 hours and 4 attempts later I succeeded!!
Anyway, I have less than a week before I start work so I have been trying to cram in all the things that I should have done in the last however, long I have been off work... Yesterday, I went shopping in Freeport to add to my work wardrobe you understand. I was on a real role and even bought some shoes in Asda later (well, I couldn't find any in Freeport!!) When I got home I carried on shopping by catalogue... Now before any of you jump to quite reasonable ideas about an addiction, I am overjoyed that I have seen everything that I need at once without having to go shopping for ages. I'm the sort of person who either buys nothing or nearly everything.
It feels a little weird that I shall be starting work next week. I'm not worried about it but just think that I'm out of practice. Temping over the past couple of weeks part-time has helped (not least finance my shopping trip!) I shall be going to my last Ladies meeting on a Thursday which I shall miss. I am going to have to learn to be more organised too. I am glad that Easter comes after I start as I have managed to get all the bank holidays paid! The next few weeks are going to be difficult for us so it will also be good to have a distraction.
Blame the computer for my erratic thought processes, we had to battle it out for supremacy...