In the midst of chaos...
It's been a bit of a funny week really. I have been in my new job a total of 8 days and feel that I am have taken in so much information that my head will honestly burst!! I just feel over the past couple of weeks with the Bank Holiday as well, that I am always rushing around and am never still. It's also the age that we live in. Well, today I had a lovely surprise. I have found a green area (can't call it a park) but it does have a river and plenty of ducks. So lunchtime today I was watching all the ducks coming into land. It was so peaceful and I honestly felt relaxed. The birds were tweeting, and I felt a million miles away from Witham Railway station which is immediately in front of the Malting plant. I was even more surprised that when leaving the greenery area and walking up the road that I saw two bunnies hopping along without a care in the world. I really felt that they taught me a thing or two today. I sometimes think that the busyness of life can really distract us to the point that we can't focus on anything unless it's fast. It's almost like we are speedreading life and keep missing the detail out as we are just going too fast.
Later on tonight I went to the gym and spent an hour there. The guy giving me my induction kept saying how I shouldn't overdo it (as if I need telling!) So I felt really virtuous that I had done my exercise for the week except that I needed a creme egg to keep me going when I got home... Oh well.