
"Laughter is the brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of the heart" - Mort Walker

Sunday, June 10, 2007

20 days old!!

My favourite photo of Naomi so far - looking angelic... Now there are two sides to Naomi's personality the one you see here and the one where she exercises her lungs from around 6:30 to 11:30 pm!! Someone kindly pointed out to me today that I would have more energy to deal with this if I was a younger Mum. So I would - but hey, can't change that...
We are all getting to know one another as a family and it does take time. I just wish children were like photocopying machines which come up with a little error message and you refer to the manual and then are able to decipher the error code.
Kevin and I took Naomi to have her birth registered on Thursday. The last time that we went to the Register Office together was to register Daniel's death so this time it was a celebration. We were going to get her portrait professionally done but she just slept and we didn't feel we would "capture" her personality on film at this stage.
Apart from the "wah wahs" lasting approximately 5 hours each night, Naomi has also learned to suck her thumb - bless. Fortunately, for us she does sleep up to a 5 - 6 hour stretch so we do get some sleep at night but unfortunately her little body clock is out slightly.
She has been to church and Asda sleeping through both. I had to laugh as the other day we met up with 6 other children and she slept through that too... however, when I want her to sleep Naomi is at her most rebellious. In personnel speak, I probably would have started her on the disciplinary process (a written warning at the very least!)
We are seeing the Health Visitor tomorrow and that should be the last professional visitor that we see at home. This too is such a change compared to Daniel who had 15 people in his entourage. It feels kind of surreal, really. Where has all the time gone? Will blog when Naomi resumes her "angel" like character again.