
"Laughter is the brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of the heart" - Mort Walker

Thursday, April 26, 2007

I've got a date!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just a quick update following my visit to the consultant yesterday. I am going to be admitted to St John's on 10th May (just a mere two weeks away now...) to be induced so Beanie should follow shortly. It can apparently take 2 days for induction to work so I can't say exactly when Beanie will arrive. It all seems to have happened so very quickly and I have to say that I am enjoying my time out from work. Part of me just wants it all to happen now because I've run out of patience (no surprise there!) The other part is writing/rewriting birth plans and just generally making sure everything is ready.

I don't know what size the baby is likely to be but my Consultant has said that I'm not going to give birth to a whale (encouraging really!)

It is good to have a date to work towards rather than thinking when am I going to go into labour? Last time, I wasn't too sure so sent Kevin off to work (where he couldn't be contacted) and he managed to get to the hospital some 20 minutes before Daniel's arrival. A bit of a close call. This time around there is likely to be a lot of waiting around and inactivity before Beanie makes his/her appearance.

It's all rather exciting but I can't help feeling that I've forgotten something!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Maternity Leave - day 10

Well, it's going very, very quickly. So far I have been to St John's hospital 4 times (twice more this week) and am scrambling around to get everything ready for when Beanie arrives. In between times I have met up with a number of friends, tried to tidy and clean the house as well as rest up. It's odd to think that I've got only 2 weeks to go now.

The gestational diabetes looks like it is settling down but every so often throws a bit of a curved ball. It looks like I won't be needing insulin which is a real blessing but being on a diet, I do feel that I'm missing out...

I am not sleeping at the moment so, this means that most days I am washed out and just moving from A - B takes a lot of effort. That said, I try to do some exercise most days. However, I don't think that I will be able to continue with my ante-natal exercises after this weekend as it is getting just that bit too difficult now... Today I went to St Johns for relaxation classes to help you during the latter stages of pregnancy and during labour. We had to go round and introduce ourselves saying whether this was our first pregnancy. I decided to fast forward this bit for obvious reasons.

On Wednesday, I go to see the Consultant to discuss whether the plan is still to bring my due date forward by 2 weeks. If so, I think I'll be given a date!! When I last spoke to him the plan was to be induced and I would prefer that to a C Section. Will let you know how I get on.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Maternity leave - day one!

I am overjoyed that I am at last on maternity leave. When I said goodbye to my colleagues at work last Thursday, I just felt a huge weight drop off me as now I can concentrate on Beanie. I can also have a sneaky cat nap in the afternoons...

I took delivery of the nursery furniture today which meant an early start (the delivery could have come as early as 7 am...) so no chance of a lie in!! The delivery didn't come until after 11 after which time I was desperate to get out and enjoy the sunshine. Apart from a brief detour to Asda I met up with a friend and we enjoyed tea in the afternoon at Hylands park. Very civilised and relaxing.

I am pleased to say that my blood sugar levels seem to be more in control within the range (apart from today when I had a toasted teacake!!) Things look like they could be settling down and I shall be going to the diabetic clinic on Friday. Tomorrow, I'm having a scan to see how Beanie is getting on as well as having a Consultant and then midwife's appointment. Unfortunately, all these appointments remind me of how life was with Daniel. As the birth gets closer I seem to miss him more so the preparations for Beanie's birth are a little complex you could say.

I am still going to my heffalumps club (exercise for both ante and post natal) on a weekly basis and have started to make new friends. At the moment, I am the heaviest so I hide (!) at the back but really enjoy the opportunity to exercise with others in a light hearted environment.

Thank you for your prayers they have been much valued and appreciated. I'll post more about Beanie when I'm a bit clearer about what is likely to happen.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

A lot can happen in a week...

Following on from my last post, I spent a lot of time at St John's last week as I have now been diagnosed with gestational diabetes :-(

No creme eggs for me... Seriously, this is a bit of a setback and I'll need to monitor my diet and blood sugar levels. It has been quite difficult to come to terms with because I had an easy pregnancy and labour with Daniel so this time it has come as a bit of a shock. That said, it means that everyone is going to keep a close eye on both the baby and me which has to be a good thing. This diabetes was also picked up at just the right time (I haven't had it for long so it's unlikely that it will have done any damage to either me or Beanie). I am having a scan a week after Easter when I am finally on maternity leave. There is a very small chance that Beanie could be affected and even though the likelihood is remote, I do feel unnerved by this at times.

The other significant thing is that I'm now likely to have the baby 2 weeks early (around 8th May compared to 22nd). Daniel died on 3rd 2 years ago. This has all happened rather fast so hopefully I'll still have the chance to put my feet up before Beanie arrives.

Only 4 more days at work now - am training my temporary Successor 3 days this week and going to the diabetic clinic on the 4th.

When I have spoken to people about my tests and the results I have been amazed by the range of replies. There have been "pull yourself together" comments as well as those who have listened and gently given me the space to express my deepest concerns. All I can say is that I'm glad we're all different...

I am trusting God with the weeks and months ahead, and take comfort from God giving me the strength for each day.