Daniel's Birthday
Yesterday, 17th November would have been Daniel's 3rd birthday. Sometimes it feels as though decades have passed and other times it feels a week ago. On key dates you never know how you are going to feel and it can vary minute by minute... I shed some tears and also was glad that I'd had such a special boy. I was surprised at how many people remembered. We were really touched at the number of cards and texts. Both Little Haven hospice and the Community Nurses sent us cards which really touched us.
Look at the photo - this is how Daniel was at home. His smile could blow a hole in the ozone layer all by itself!!
Kevin and I both went to work yesterday but had to spend the afternoon at St John's hospital. Another emotive place as it is where Daniel was born and died. At exactly the same time as Daniel was born three years ago I was having a scan. This was a bit much for me and it was an emotionally charged experience. However, Daniel is going to have a little brother or sister!! I am 13.5 weeks pregnant (due date 22nd May). Apart from the ongoing delights of morning sickness (still happens at 11 pm!!) we are doing well. I'll keep you posted on progress and will post pictures of "Beanie" Bray later on.
I would never have believed 18 months ago that I would be a Mum again. I have prayed about this and that if it is God's will that we would be parents again. God answered that prayer very quickly...
Whilst Kevin and I are thrilled, "Beanie" will never be able to take Daniel's place. It is also going to be a time of mixed emotions. Erm, how do you answer, is this your first baby type questions...
Thanks for all your prayers. Can I have volunteers for babysitting duty!!