
"Laughter is the brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of the heart" - Mort Walker

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The sands of time...

I seem to be rushing around trying to cram far too much into the 24 hours that we have that sleeping could quite often be an optional extra (I'm a bit of a bed baby though...)

We have been so busy that nearly every evening and weekend has been taken up and I have run out of power!! A couple of weekends ago we went to a wedding in Eastbourne. Timing was quite a key point when by the beginning of the service one of the readers hadn't arrived as both him and his wife was stuck in traffic. There were a number of us that prayed and a stand in was quickly found. However, with about 3 minutes to go the original reader turns up and reads the passage as cool as a cucumber. Why is it when we pray we sometimes get surprised when God answers?

The wedding day progressed and it was one of those occasions where everyone enjoyed themselves and God was at the focus of everything. The bride had been part of the congregation since she was 2 and many church members had helped out on the day including the farmer that donated one of his lambs for the wedding breakfast!

My second skin (my raspberry/cherry suit) didn't cut off the circulation and I could even smile!

I knew the groom from my old church and it was a bit like church reunion for a number of us. In some ways this was difficult as I hadn't seen some of these people since either Daniel's death or his memorial service. With all the emotion, it wouldn't take much to make me bring the water shortage to an end all on my own... Maybe I need to get my eyelashes tinted for the next one!

We have a completely different wedding this weekend which is closer to home, the church in my parish.

It's all go...