
"Laughter is the brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of the heart" - Mort Walker

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

C is for conflict

There has been no getting away from it but today has been dreadful... I have had to stamp my foot (as it were!) to get the ongoing saga of my hearing aid sorted. It needs to get tweaked a little as my hearing is so unique... To cut a long story short I have managed to arrange an appointment on Saturday in Chelmsford, beats Basildon or Romford :-) but this means I can't go to the Ladies Prayer Breakfast :-(

I have found out today that I will not be continuing where I am temping after this week. This is a very involved situation and one which I have found very disappointing. I feel broken as once again I have tried to pick myself up and have a go and it seems I've fallen over again figuratively speaking. Many people don't know what to say to me following Daniel's death and I can really understand that. There is no stock answer, wouldn't it be great if there was. Most people desperately search for something safe to say and it is usually" how's work?" To summarise work isn't working for me!! At least with temping I am doing something learning new skills and getting some money too. I know from previous experience it can take a long time looking for work so I want to reduce the number of gaps on my cv. So for now the one safe topic you can ask is "hows the weather".

I went to my writing class tonight and handed in my assignment. Kevin came up with a great idea yesterday about giving Bloggers the choice of endings. Not too sure about that but I will post it later in the week, you lucky things.


At 1:26 PM GMT, Blogger Helen said...

Keep going Sarah, people are behind you and The Lord is all around you, every where you turn, He is there.


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