
"Laughter is the brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of the heart" - Mort Walker

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Voulez vous manger avec nous?

Would you like to eat with us? Now that's not something I turn down every day! I was asked today by the MD where I am temping if I would like to join them for their Christmas do, in Paris!!! Hard one, hey. I have been temping there for 6 days so I am already part of the close knit team (total of 5 of us...) We are all going for a Chinese next week so it is a bit of a novelty to be included in things. I am enjoying this temporary assignment as I get to do some interesting things and everyone is grateful for what I do (believe me that is a rarity!) The culture of the company is work hard and play even harder so this is a whole new concept to try to understand. Nobody has asked me the children question yet, but I know that it will happen. The good news is that all my colleagues are men so it is less likely. The bad, well, I was asked today what were my views on "girlie" calendars at work were. Thank goodness for my HR background where stock answer number 377 came to mind. It is indirect sexual discrimination... I don't think that was the answer anyone was expecting.

Wonder what will happen tomorrow.


At 6:45 AM GMT, Blogger Helen said...

Go for it Sarah!!

At 10:22 AM GMT, Blogger Jonathan said...

Sounds as though your foot is well and truly in the door.

Believe it or not, is is even harder for a bloke to make a stand against girlie posters at work. When I tried, half the workforce decided I was gay, and the other half thought I was a mormon. I found that if you can clearly state your objections without visibly getting wound up over the issue, then you gain respect in the long run.

At 8:08 PM GMT, Blogger Tracie said...

What did tomorrow bring Sarah ?


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