
"Laughter is the brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of the heart" - Mort Walker

Monday, July 11, 2005

No experience is wasted...

I honestly thought, niaively that things would get easier (I know I was wrong...) Mistakedly I thought that nothing would ever get as hard as having my final cuddle with Daniel - wrong again... There was the crematorium service and now there is just living. Sometimes I feel that I would like to wear a badge RB (recently bereaved) like new drivers who have just passed their test. I was encouraged when I went to church yesterday that people told me that they hadn't forgotten Daniel. If you have a favourite memory of Daniel please share it with me. I have forgotten what Daniel looks like now.

Adjusting to life following being on planet sick child is disorientating. I have forgotten how to do basic things. Where I am temping at the moment I have seen some oxygen cylinders and I am automatically thinking about how much oxygen is in there and what type of flow head it has. How sad is that?

There isn't much temporary work out there at present and I have been in an assignment where I am doing the sort of work that you would give to a 16 year old looking to gain experience. This is soul destroying but despite looking into other options nothing is coming my way. I don't handle rejection well at present, but need to work for my own sanity. It's just exhausting trying to sell yourself all the time even for temporary work. I have lost a lot of confidence in the workplace.

I do believe that God does not withold any good thing from his children so I am trusting him and pray that I would be open to learning from these experiences.


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