
"Laughter is the brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of the heart" - Mort Walker

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Pastures New

I didn't know it but today has been a bit of an emotional rollercoaster... After 2 hours sleep, I went along with a friend to the New Farleigh Hospice building now sited in Broomfield, before it opens its doors to patients on Tuesday. Some of you may already know that before I had Daniel I used to work for Farleigh as the Volunteer Co-ordinator, responsible for the 700 or so volunteers. My friend and I were keen to see the facilities and we spent about an hour and a half there this morning which included a tour and presentation.

Got off to a bit of a tricky start when I caught up with a former colleague who was leading the tour. Unfortunately, my news hasn't reached the deepest recesses in Farleigh so I had to sidestep the question about being a full-time Mum these days. This caught me off balance and him even more so! The new hospice is fantastic with plenty of space to improve the service given to patients. One of the great things now is that there is sufficient space for relatives to be able to stay in comfort(!) which was always difficult at the premises in New London Road. Seeing this room, disturbed emotions which I hoped wouldn't surface because it reminded me of all the times Kevin and I used to spend at Daniel's bedside. Hard images to shift.

I also saw what would have been my office and had to let it go. This now belongs to someone else that I recruited(!)but it is hard to retain an emotional distance from something that I invested so much of myself in. Working in a hospice has had a profound impact on me as I was able to see first hand the difference that Hospice care can make so I remain a confirmed supporter of the cause. Farleigh prepared me for some of the challenges that we had to face as a family and also gave me the courage to take advantage of the facilities at Little Haven Children's Hospice.

At the end of the tour, I saw a Volunteer who asked me in a very loud voice (probably could be heard the four miles away at the old Farleigh site!!) how my family is. Er, answer, Sarah has exited the building in record time!!

Later on Kevin took me shopping to Lakeside to cheer me up and continuing my melancholic outlook I only bought wrinkle cream and a skipping rope that counts calories. What a wasted opportunity...

I am going for a job interview on Wednesday and am having the usual clothing crisis. Oh why oh why, couldn't you have given me 6 months notice so that I could have lost weight to wear one of my suits. Perhaps, I'd best skip everywhere instead of walk...


At 9:11 AM GMT, Blogger PatK said...

It takes extraordinary courage to re-visit locations that have been at the centre of such traumatic loss. I think your passion and involvement can only be burnished to something even more powerful by the experiences you and Kevin have walked through. I am sure that there will be many in the future who will be blessed by such compassion, even though there may not be the direct contact, for as a supporter, the contact is more indirect.

Will be praying over the interview next week

LOL & hugs

At 6:47 PM GMT, Blogger Helen said...

Sarah I didn't realise that was your job before you had Daniel, it must have been a hard day for you.
The meeting old friends and colleagues thing must be nervy for you too,
hope your interview goes well, you always look nice whatever you wear!
Have fun with the skipping rope, perhaps you could skip on your trampoline!!??

At 9:33 PM GMT, Blogger Tracie said...

Have you decided what your wearing on Wednesday yet Sarah ? I'm sure whatever you choose will be fine if the job is what God has intended for you, it won't matter what your wearing !! Easy when you just say it to someone else - far more complicated when your hanging off the waldrobe door and you just can't find what your looking for !!
Perhaps l need to practise what l preach !! be thinking of you.
from Tracie.

At 2:59 PM GMT, Blogger Tracie said...

how did the interview go Sarah l was praying first thing !! It's amazing that l actually remembered if l don't write things down l'm a lost cause !! Hope it went well.


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