
"Laughter is the brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of the heart" - Mort Walker

Sunday, March 20, 2005

40 Days of Purpose - Day 36

Made for a Mission

I have always shied away from evangelism. Very shocking but very true. Now that I am more confident in my faith, it is not so daunting as previously, but still presents a huge challenge to me. I feel that my Christian life can be divided into 3 parts:

When I became a Christian
Life before Daniel
Life after Daniel

For the first two parts of my life I occasionally mentioned my faith but due to enormous insecurity (there were better Christians, I didn’t know my bible well enough, I wasn’t sure how God was working in my life, fear of rejection the list could go on and on…) I was not open to opportunities to share my faith. I am pleased to say that recently I have become more positive due to the realisation of how much that Jesus loves me and I want to share this with others. Now that I have Daniel I come into contact with many people I do not know and I am aware that I have the opportunity to be bold at times. God has been very gracious and has answered much prayer for us as a family. At the moment, I am gingerly dipping my toe into the water of evangelism but long for the day when I am able to eagerly take the plunge by shouting about my relationship with Jesus from the rooftops. I have often wanted to be used by Jesus but overlooked the fact that I need to care about what he cares about extending his kingdom.

I found this morning’s service very challenging but so positive and well worth getting the tape if you were not able to come. Tony was talking about the definition of evangelism as being bringing someone one step closer to knowing God. We cannot know with any surety how far someone is from knowing the Lord but we can bring them further to him. When we plant a seed we do not know how well watered it will be and the special conditions that are needed for its growth. God does and he creates opportunities for us to meet a particular need even if we are not aware of it. Tony clarified the word witness as being an explanation of faith, rather than selling or defending Jesus. I have found this so helpful and really wish to apply this.

I have bought 2 of the Case for Easter books and know who I will send one onto. The other God has not yet revealed to me and I will pray that I would be bold enough to give this as a present.
Only another 4 days of the Purpose Driven Life left. What will I do then? I will be putting together an Action Plan as a result of the things that I have learned from this book and pray for change.


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