
"Laughter is the brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of the heart" - Mort Walker

Friday, March 18, 2005

40 Days of Purpose - Day 33

How real servants act

Today I feel excited and inwardly am dancing… Reading this chapter has reassured me that I can come before the Lord as I am and still serve him. It is my attitude, which is more important than my abilities, which you may know I am struggling to locate. If you find them please return them to this careless owner(!!)

At Lifegroup this evening we had a very interesting time and played a game that you too can play at home. One of the questions at tonight’s study was about taking a minute to write down some of your gifts and talents. The general consensus of opinion was that individually this would be too difficult and that perhaps those that know us well could comment for us. So we all had a piece of paper with our name on it and people within the group wrote what they thought our gifts and talents are. Just before going home we received our answers. Well, I have laughed and laughed until I cried when I saw one of the comments on my paper. It said "loves to be loud!!" Kevin my Husband agreed and thought this was a very perceptive observation. However, it was only when I went into another room with more light that I could fully understand what was written "loves the Lord." Phew! This has got me thinking about how we can misunderstand (and get misunderstood) so easily and it is only when we allow God’s light to shine on us and in our life that his will for us becomes clearer.

Thinking back to the heart of a servant, the biggest challenge I believe I face is time. Some days Daniel has back to back appointments with various specialists or professionals so eating for me can become optional. This does not exempt me from being able to serve but does limit the opportunities from my perspective but not God’s. Have you ever noticed that when you feel that you don’t want to go to church or something that you may have committed to that your being there can and does help others? Again and again I have been reminded of this. We sometimes can make a difference just by being there and being responsive to God. Whilst it is not much to give it can be hugely significant.


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