
"Laughter is the brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of the heart" - Mort Walker

Saturday, March 12, 2005

40 Days of Purpose - Day 27

Defeating Temptation

I am really happy to have read this chapter as I hadn’t realised just how often I am tempted. I kind of get stuck with thought apathy where it is just too much bother for me to refocus on something pure or godly so I just give in to my sinful nature. Whilst there is nothing specific that is a significant temptation for me on a daily basis, I can give in to thoughts of self-pity, being distracted away from God, or being impatient to name but a few. Sometimes I can just drift and realise at the end of the day I have not even thought about God’s will let alone be open to what He may wish for me to do that day. Whilst I know that God is all powerful I find myself hoping at times that he will look the other way when I just lose my temper, am ungracious with others or selfish with my time. Like a child doing something sneakily that they know is wrong and just want to get away with!!

Enough of the problem…Like in all areas of our life, God does not give up on us no matter how many times we may give in to temptation. The fact that he always gives us a way out as well as giving us sufficient resources through Him to conquer any level of temptation is just so inspiring. I feel elated that no matter what God gives us the strength to overcome temptation I just wonder why I didn’t think to ask him more often… Philippians 4 v 13 springs to mind:

“I can do anything through him that gives me strength”.


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