
"Laughter is the brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of the heart" - Mort Walker

Sunday, March 06, 2005

40 Days of Purpose - Day 22

Created to become like Christ

Throughout the Purpose Driven Life I seem to have forgotten some basic truths. In this chapter, that life is not about me. Somehow I seem to be seduced by what is happening here on earth because it is immediate. The whole area of character development to become like Jesus had lost its intensity.

I like to be organised so that I know what I am doing and find that it minimises stress (and I am all for that...) I am also wondering if my organisational skills mask a desire to keep things safe and control circumstances rather than allowing God into certain situations. Hmmm… definitely something to think about.

Now character development… Well, there are some days when I think that I have more character than I know what to do with through the trials that need to be faced. Unfortunately, I have missed the point and not concentrated upon the fact that it is God’s character, which needs to be developed in me. The more I am resistant to difficult circumstances and do my terrible twos tantrum with God the more I am opposing his change for my character to be more like His. There have been times when I have been so angry with God for the situations that we face as a family that I have not thought about what it is that God is trying to teach me. Whatever happens in life I need to remember that when it is difficult God is pruning me so that I can grow to become more like Him. This is so totally reassuring that whatever we face whether it is painful or not, we can grow if we recognise that this is part of God’s development plan for our lives. How encouraging!


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