
"Laughter is the brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of the heart" - Mort Walker

Monday, February 28, 2005

B40 Days of Purpose - Day 16

Life is all about love

I feel really challenged reading today’s chapter. I enjoy spending time with people (those of you who know me see how often I’m chatting!!) However, I often feel that I am snatching at relationships due to lack of quality time… I have had a variety of interesting jobs (no job too small – I was a professional temp). One of these was working for an engineering company and inputting timesheets on each engineering project. If you couldn’t allocate your time to a particular project you would put it under the heading of non-specific time. I am wondering how much of my time now is filed under this category and how much I could utilise for God’s benefit. I am definitely the sort of person who will say “Let’s do lunch” and mean it for a while until events overtake me without setting a date.

I feel today that I have stopped planning ahead as with Daniel when you make plans you often have to unpick them. Sometimes people are not understanding as it is not always convenient. When Daniel needs to go into hospital it is normally at a time which is pretty inconvenient (then again, when is there a good time?)

Thinking about one of the points raised that you don’t know how long you will have the opportunity is very appropriate with Daniel. When he is well we try to do today what we know we can as illness can creep up very quickly and admission to hospital a regular occurrence.

I am delighted that God has reminded me that spending time with others is important and I would appreciate your prayer with this. I am going to be bold and make some plans knowing that I will be able to honour some of them rather than being afraid to make any.


At 10:23 PM GMT, Blogger rhi said...

I am so encouraged by your blogs- whenever I get a chance to catch up on them. You are doing so well and I am lagging well behind - finding time to fit in reading seems almost impossible at the moment. I know what planning time in to meet up can be difficult but how about trying to get a few of the bloggers together for a cuppa/chat/fun in the real world? What do you think??

At 6:13 PM GMT, Blogger Penelope said...

I think it's a great idea Rhi! Would be great to meet up in the 'real' world for a cuppa!
Pen :-)


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