
"Laughter is the brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of the heart" - Mort Walker

Friday, February 25, 2005


Answered Prayer

Yesterday we went to Great Ormond Street Hospital with Daniel and received some encouraging news. Daniel suffers from pulmonary hypertension (high blood pressure in his lungs) which can be a serious disease. His pressures had been increasing and there was concern that his condition looked like it could be on the brink of worsening. Well, the good news is that Daniel’s pressures have dropped (not totally) but the Consultant is encouraged. At this time we don’t have a medical explanation why and we are waiting to see if this is a permanent drop but this still is very good news for Daniel. And there’s more… Back in September last year I was told categorically that Daniel would be on oxygen at night for the rest of his life. When I mentioned this to the consultant yesterday, he corrected me and said that, that may not necessarily be true. This is a wonderful illustration of how nothing is too difficult for God.
I am just trusting God not because there is nothing else that I can do, but because I know that he has his hand on Daniel.

A huge thank you to all those who regularly pray for us as a family. We are truly blessed by your faithfulness.


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