
"Laughter is the brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of the heart" - Mort Walker

Thursday, March 17, 2005

40 Days of Purpose - Day 32

Using what God gave you

No matter how many times I read this chapter I find it difficult to identify my "shape". There are times when I wish there was a spiritual mirror given to me so I could see my abilities. At this time, I feel stuck in a map where the "you are here" sign shows but not much else. Never mind. I guess really I just need to try new things to discover what comes more naturally and what doesn’t. Easy to say, much harder in practice. One of the things which has spoken to me throughout the PDL is openness to God. By allowing Him greater space he can just do more in my life. It is unlearning the habit of being in my spiritual comfort zone and trusting God to encourage me to use my gifting (when I’ve found it…) One of my past struggles has been that I am not good/holy/clever enough (or all three) which has meant that I have made "safe" choices to serve. Since Daniel has been born there are different opportunities for me to share how God has blessed us and I need to pray through the implications of these.

A good friend and I are going to be honest with each other about how we perceive the other is gifted. Scary new territory… Earlier this month to see whether I had a particular ability, I wrote to someone I had never met for some advice. I know this sounds cringeworthy but I honestly felt that God was telling me to do this. Although my letter has not been responded to, and I felt sick with nerves, I have at least obeyed God on this. If anything comes of this letter I’ll let you know.

One of the biggest barriers for me to being a maturer Christian is the amount of time that I give to God. This is a very real issue when it comes to service and definitely when it comes to a spiritual journal. I have decided to keep my diary about the PDL so that I could refer to it and remind myself of the key points. Sometimes I have reread what I have written later on and it has encouraged me by showing me things that God is revealing to me. Knowing that you are reading this is an encouragement too – so thank you.


At 10:19 PM GMT, Blogger commentator33 said...

I think one of the great things about your "shape" is just you being friendly and stuff.

It might sound really basic, but it brightens up my day when I talk with people who can be cheerful and God trusting even when things are tough.

The way you look to God despite the tough times, helps me see more of what it means to be a God truster.
Even if you don't always feel like that, your blog posts are really God focussed. Doesn't that show that even when you worry and feel anxious - God is still your Saviour - the One you turn to...

THAT is what i think is really beautiful about your "shape"

God Bless Sarah


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