
"Laughter is the brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of the heart" - Mort Walker

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Daniel’s Service of thanksgiving

Both Kevin and I would welcome anyone to attend the service celebrating Daniel’s life on Friday, 13th May at 3:45 p.m. This will be held at Elim Christian Centre, Hall Street.

We wish that the only floral tributes come from our immediate families. If anyone wishes to make a donation please could you forward this onto:

T Pennack and Sons Ltd, 1 – 3 Maldon Road, Chelmsford. CM2 7AL

Total contributions will be divided between Little Haven Hospice and Sunshine Ward at St John’s Hospital.

Day 2

We are gaining comfort in making the arrangements to remember Daniel and are very appreciative of all the love and prayers that we have already received.

Today we registered Daniel's death. I was holding things together until I was asked my occupation - professional mourner?! Unfortunately, I feel that this is an area which I have to leave blank. It no longer seems appropriate to be called a Carer and housewife sounds so bland...

During this difficult time, we need time to grieve and are not ready to speak or meet with people just at the moment. Please do not avoid us if you see us as we will readily talk about Daniel when we can. Someone today said that they really did not know the right things to say but somehow wanted to reach out to us during that time. My response was to just be how you are and do not worry about offending us. We would rather that you are real. If we feel uncomfortable or feel a bit of an emotional wobble coming on we will warn you!!

Thank you for all your love and support.


At 3:00 PM GMT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sending some more love and prayers your way

At 8:54 PM GMT, Blogger Nicole's Psalm said...

Thankyou for finding time to keep in touch with the blog gang. You are both in my thoughts and prayers. nicole

At 11:13 AM GMT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Charlotte from Brisbane, Australia.. Hi just happened to read your blog. I am sorry about what happened to Daniel... I am so encouraged by your heart towards God and at this moment you are still encouraging the people around you... although i do not know you, but i believe you are an amazing and incredible God's daughter...

At 6:25 PM GMT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are an inspiration Sarah. I was thinkin of Daniel and you today and I was reminded of a picture I have on my bedroom wall. It was drawn in pencil by a lady called Mary and given to my mum a few years back and I love it. Its a sketch of a pair of arms and hands (quite detailed) holding a lamb. The lamb is resting in the arms, it isn't resisting or trying to struggle free, but looks content and at home just resting in the arms. I'm sure many times you held Daniel in your arms and now he is resting in God's and I'm sure hes not struggling to get free, but is quite content. Praying for you, Love Lisa x

At 9:42 PM GMT, Blogger commentator33 said...

just a short one to say
I'm thinking of you both


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